Friday, July 24, 2015

Where Is God When I'm Hurting?

Do you ever get the feeling that when there is trouble, God is not available? Or perhaps He's vacant only when you are in trouble, as He tends to other's needs quite well. Perhaps you don't believe He exists, or remains distant in all circumstances. Or maybe you feel you are not important and He is unconcerned or unaware of your situation.

When I was a young boy, my mother had a favorite saying while driving. It usually followed after another driver made her maneuver to avoid an accident. If I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times, "Where is there a cop when you need one?"

Ever heard that before, or if you're like me you probably said it a few times. "Where is the one who could fix the injustice I have just suffered. Man if there was a cop around they would take care of this situation and I could get on with my day!" 

If only I knew where to find God....(Job 23:3 NLT)

Perhaps you are going through something that requires more than a police officer. Perhaps you are a Christian or perhaps you're not, but all of us at one time or another have asked the question, "Where is God when I need Him?" You see this is different than the prayers we learned to say as children at bedtime. This is personal, this is about what I am going through. "Me Lord! Where are you when I need you?

The loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of integrity or an unforeseen illness can rock our world. Life has a way of interrupting the plans that we have laid down for ourselves, and when it does, we question God. We question His love for us, His presence in our lives, and in some cases His very existence.  

The Promises of God

Here are some promises from God that I recite to myself when I question God's presence in my situation:

I will not fail you or abandon you. (Joshua 1:5)
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1 NLT)
I am with you always, even until the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19)

In other words, He is aware and He cares! He stands ready to help! in fact He might already be on the job! Yeah I said it, while we are crying in our Cheerios, He is out getting the job done. "There is no evidence of that!" you might respond. Let me try to Explain, but hold on, this might take some doing.

Isaiah 63

Let's look at these verses to set a foundation of how God often works in our situations.

1Who is this who comes from Edom, from the city of Bozrah, with his clothing stained red?
Who is this in royal robes, marching in his great strength? “It is I, the LORD, announcing your salvation! It is I, the LORD, who has the power to save!”

OK, I know it is a bit confusing without a setup, so let me paint a picture:

Two armies are squared off against each other and have been for several months. The fighting has succumbed to trench warfare, with Edom on one side and Israel on the other. So brutal is the fighting, that any Hebrew caught out in the open would be captured by the enemy for torture, slavery, or execution. It is sheer terror.

Then at their most desperate time, when the enemy seemed to be ready to over run them, a strange creature emerges in the distance. Strange in more ways than one:

First, he is of nobility judged by his apparel, next his clothing is stained with what looks like wine, but with a closer look turns out to be blood. Another peculiarity is that he is seen "marching in his great strength," which in the translation, means tipping from side to side, or  put simply, he's strutting!

But the most peculiar thing about him is from what direction he comes. He is coming from Edom, the direction of the enemy, from Bozrah, the capital city of Edom. The Hebrews must be wondering if he is an enemy or an ally. Allies usually come from the direction of home. 

But then He speaks, “It is I, the LORD, announcing your salvation! It is I, the LORD, who has the power to save!”

Behind Enemy Lines

"Where is God when you need Him?" He's opening up a can of whoop butt on what troubles you! He has gotten out of your foxhole of despair, went across the battle field and into the camp of the enemy. With sword drawn He is taking no prisoners, cutting down you fears, disease and depression.  His clothing is stained with the blood of you enemy. He looks back shouting, "It is finished, I have already won the battle!" That is where God is when you need Him, behind enemy lines! 

Wait there is more,  (1 Samuel 4)

In the time of Eli, because of prevalent sin in the nation, because of the sin of Eli's sons in desecrating the Temple, another invader came before Israel. This time it was the Philistines. As Israel went out 4 thousand Hebrew soldiers were lost on the first day. This was an unprecedented defeat in the history of Israel. 

So they did the only thing they knew to do; they sent for the Ark of the Covenant, that 2 by 4 foot box of Acacia Wood overlaid with gold with two cherubim overlooking the Mercy Seat. It represented the Essence and the Presence of God. They called for the presence of God! (Sound familiar?)

When the Ark came into the camp the camp of Israel went wild with joy. "Here is our secret weapon, now that God's here, you just wait." 

So on the second day of battle, not 4 thousand, or 10 thousand, or 20 thousand Hebrews died, but 30 thousand lost their life in battle. Eli's sons were both killed and the Ark was taken captive. When Eli found out, he fell over backward, broke his neck and died. A grandson was birthed and was named Ichabod, which means, the Glory of the Lord has departed. (Again, sound familiar?)

While depression and fear gripped Israel, celebration and rejoicing entered the Philistine camp. And why not, they won and Israel lost. Their God, Dagon, defeated Jehovah! So they took the Ark home to place in the temple of Dagon. They took Jehovah home to give reverence to Dagon.

Dagon Has Problems 

Now Dagon had some troubling attributes that disqualified him from being an almighty god. You see he was half man, half fish and all rock. So when they set Jehovah up in a position of reverence to this fake god, the real God showed up. 

When their priests opened up their temple in the morning, Dagon was in a position of reverence toward Jehovah! "This can't be," cried the priest. "Dagon won and Jehovah Lost!" So they got a block and tackle and propped their God back up.

But Dagon had another problem that night, because the next morning, Dagon was back on the floor, but this time he was scattered all over the floor as a dismembered statue! It was so bad they determined they had to close that temple down for good! Dagon is out of business and his temple is closed.

Don't Mess With Jehovah

Then Jehovah really started to swing! He smote the Philistines in the city of Ashdod, so they moved Him to Gath. He smote them in Gath so they moved Him to Ekron. He smote them in Ekron so they cried, "enough is enough! We have to get this Ark out of here!"

So they loaded the Ark of the Covenant, (along with a bunch of gold and silver) on a cart behind two milk cows and started it  toward Israel.

Welcome Home Jehovah

The Jews were threshing wheat when they saw the the Ark returning and they went wild for joy. "He was gone for a while, but Our Savior has returned. And not only that but He brought some spoil as well." 

Last time I checked, my God is undefeated. It might look like defeat, but He is just maneuvering behind Enemy Lines.

Here We Go Again

Half a millennial later, God returned, but not in the form of an Ark but in the form of Man. He braved heat, and cold and hunger. He walked the shores of Galilee wondering if there was any faith left. He was all Man, but He was all God!

And when they slapped His face, they were slapping the face of God. And when they pulled His beard, they were pulling the beard of the Lamb of God, but the Voice that spoke back was that of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. 

What kind of a God would allow Himself to be taken with wicked hands and beaten on His back until the blood flowed? What kind of a God would allow Himself to be humiliated with a crown of thorns upon His brow. What kind of a God would allow Himself to be forced up a hill and nailed to a cross? What kind of a God would die?

Let me tell you what kind of a God:

Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. (1 Corinthians 2:8 KJV)

Just as the Philistines didn't know, nor did the Princes of this world know that God was on maneuvers. The devil didn't know, he thought he was winning. "I offered Him all the kingdoms of this world and He refused me, so I took Him, and now He is in my Kingdom!" 

That's right Devil, He's behind enemy lines.

Pardon my Imagination

I have tried to be  accurate according to Scripture up to this point, but pardon me as I let my imagination take over. 

I'm seeing a party in Hell, demons singing, imps popping champagne, all rejoicing over their victory at the Cross. But then there is a knock at the door, which is strange. People don;t usually knock to get into Hell. Then silence takes over as the Devil's ears perk up. 

Finally an imp goes to look through the peep hole. Reports back to the Devil,"There is a King outside, His garments are covered in blood. He has a little swagger to His walk. He says He is announcing Salvation, He says He has the power to save!

"Don't let Him in here," cries Satan. But he was too late, Jesus has broken in. He is not the Sacrificial Lamb, but the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! He is not a meek prophet, but an Almighty King!

He walks right up to Satan demanding the keys to Hell, Death and the Grave! Man's last reason to fear. 

Where is He in Your Situation?

Now I have a question for you. If Jesus can overcome Hell, Death, and the Grave, what makes you think he can't take care of what you're going through? You just have to realize, He likes to fight behind Enemy Lines!

Thanks for reading.

Your Friend,



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